USask crop research projects receive lion’s share of ADF funding

The ADF is supported through the Sustainable Canadian Agriculture Partnership (CAP), an investment of $3.5 billion over five years from federal, provincial and territorial governments with the goal of supporting the agri-food and agri-product sectors across Canada. The Sustainable CAP includes $1 billion in federal programs and activities and a $2.5 billion commitment for programs designed by provinces and territories that is cost-shared 60 per cent by the federal government and 40 per cent by provincial/territorial governments. 

 “Agricultural research at USask has long been a pillar of our success and our standing in Saskatchewan and around the world,” said Dr. Baljit Singh (PhD), USask vice-president, research. “This support from the government and our industry partners in furthering this type of research and innovation is a vote of confidence for USask being what Saskatchewan and the world needs in the agricultural sector.”

A total of 53 crop projects received funding from the 2025 ADF. USask’s 23 projects, with $4.18 million in total funding, are the most of any organization to receive support from the ADF. Projects funded range from soil science research to health benefits of plant proteins to exploring different varieties of wheat and pea crops.

“ADF is an essential partner for the College of Agriculture and Bioresources, in terms of our ability to carry out high-impact research that supports the producers of Saskatchewan,” said Dr. Angela Bedard-Haughn (PhD), dean of USask’s College of Agriculture and Bioresources, and a professor in the Department of Soil Sciences. “Whether we’re looking at soil, plants, animals, all the way through the value chain, ADF is key.”

ADF projects can also receive funding through industry partners. Select USask projects received additional support from valuable industry partners in the agricultural and agri-food industries including Alberta Grains, Manitoba Crop Alliance, Saskatchewan Pulse Growers, Western Grains Research Foundation, Saskatchewan Oilseeds Development Commission and the Saskatchewan Wheat Development Commission. 

Crop ADF 2025 recipients at USask

The following University of Saskatchewan (USask) crop research projects received funding from the 2025 Agriculture Development Fund:

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Twenty-three crop and cropland-focused research projects at the University of Saskatchewan (USask) have received $4.18 million in support from the provincial go
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