USask launches micro-credential focusing on adult depression

The new micro-credential, Management of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) in Adults: Clinical Update, will concentrate on the ability to assess/diagnose, collaborate with the client and other members of the health-care team to develop an individualized evidence-informed treatment plan, and monitor treatment response/outcomes for individuals living with uncomplicated and complex MDD.

“USask College of Nursing is excited to offer this micro-credential because unlike other professional development offerings, micro-credentials are focused, competency-based courses designed to help professionals advance in their careers,” said Associate Professor and Mental Health and Psychiatric Nurse, Dr. Gerri Lasiuk (PhD). Lasiuk will be teaching one of the modules in the new micro-credential offering.

“The micro-credential is accessible and flexible because it is offered online and learners who successfully complete the course will receive an official USask credential demonstrating their achievement.”

Based on the newest Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments (CANMAT) guidelines, this micro-credential satisfies continuing professional development requirements for a variety of health-related disciplines. This includes nurse practitioners, registered nurses, registered psychiatric nurses, pharmacists, social workers, addiction counsellors, and other health-care providers.

The first offering will be delivered asynchronously online beginning Jan. 6, 2025.

To learn more about this USask micro-credential, please visit the course page.


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The University of Saskatchewan’s (USask) College of Nursing is offering a new micro-credential that will equip students with the ability to update their knowled
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