USask moving up in international subject rankings

The University of Saskatchewan (USask) has placed among the best universities in the world in two newly released international subject rankings.

After increasing its ranking in the 2023 THE and ShanghaiRanking university tier list to the 351-400 tier and the 301-400 tier respectively, USask has also made strides in the ranking of key individual subjects.

Significant leaps in THE subject rankings in science, engineering

USask ranked in all 11 of the possible subjects in the THE list, making significant moves up in multiple science and engineering subject areas.

The university improved in five subject areas: Clinical and Health, Engineering, Life Sciences, Psychology, and Physical Sciences. USask made its greatest leaps in the areas of Clinical Health and Engineering, moving up to the 301-400 tier from the 501-600 tier in Clinical Health and up to the 201-250 tier from 301-400 in Engineering.

“USask continues to make significant strides on the international stage through our successes in research,” said USask Vice-President Research Dr. Baljit Singh (PhD). “To be recognized so highly alongside fellow institutions for our ongoing dedication to excellence in research, scholarly and artistic works is a remarkable achievement.”

USask’s highest rankings came in Education (151-175), Engineering (201-250), Physical Sciences (201-250), and Law (201-250).

“We are thrilled to see both a continued high ranking and a continued upward trend for subject rankings across USask colleges,” said USask Provost and Vice-President Academic Dr. Airini (PhD). “USask continues to cement its status as a world-class university in numerous fields of research and education.”

USask reaches top 100 worldwide in two ShanghaiRankings subjects

USask achieved a ranking of 17th in the world in Water Resources and placed in the 51-75 tier in Veterinary Sciences. Those rankings correlate to first and third, respectively, across participating Canadian institutions.

The university also achieved a top 150 rank in the areas of Agricultural Sciences, Energy Science & Engineering, and Environmental Science & Engineering.

Overall, USask ranked in 23 out of 55 subject areas, an increase from 22 last year.

“USask’s ongoing success across so many areas of learning and scholarship is a tremendous achievement,” Airini said. “Placing in the top 100 in any subjects, as well as so many other top-tier rankings, shows how we are setting a high standard for the work that takes place at USask.”

USask performed well alongside other U15 universities, earning a top five rank among U15 schools in 12 different subject areas laid out in the ShanghaiRankings list.

“It is always gratifying to see USask standing tall amongst its fellow U15 universities,” Singh said. “The increasing international profile of USask allows us to show we are the university the world needs.”


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USask achieved high rankings in multiple areas in both the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings by Subject and the ShanghaiRanking Global Rank
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