Week of Reflection

The week of reflection allows us to come together as a community, broaden our understanding and commit to our continued education to transformative decolonization leading to reconciliation (USask Uplan 2025).

Please take the time during the week of reflection to acknowledge the orange lights in the bowl and on buildings. Additionally, the bowl will be lined with new orange banners inscribed with the Calls to Action from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada as well as purple banners etched with the Calls for Justice from the Report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls.

In addition to the new installations across campus, all members of the University of Saskatchewan (USask) community are asked to wear an orange shirt during the week of September 23-30th as a symbol of your commitment to, and active participation in reconciliation. The gift of ohpahotân | oohpaahotaan| Indigenous Strategy reminds us that we all are responsible for decolonization and reconciliation.

USask’s Mistatimōk Committee, which encourages our university community to engage in the difficult, but critical work of decolonization and reconciliation, has coordinated this week’s events leading up to National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. This week is filled with events and opportunities for learning and growth as a campus community and as individuals.

For a full list of events visit NDTR webpage.   

SOURCE news.usask.ca

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Canada’s 4th National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (NDTR) is September 30th. The University of Saskatchewan observes the week before NDTR as the Week of Ref
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