Saskatoon Artist On Cross Canada Trek For 150th [VIDEO]

Alison R. Grapes, Km 5700

In honour of the 150th anniversary of Canada's Confederation, Saskatoon-based artist and educator, Alison R. Grapes, and her best friend, Carol Loeb, will embark on an art project that follows the road that ties Canada together. 

Carol Loeb, Km 5700

During 2017, the two artists will travel along the Trans-Canada Highway from coast to coast, stopping every 150 km and finding the subject and inspiration for a series of 51 paintings each of the great country that they call home.

Some images will be of the road itself, some of the countryside and life along the road, and some have not yet been imagined. Join them on their journey by visiting their website and blog, and see their paintings at a series of exhibitions planned for the finished artworks during 2017, 2018, and 2019.

Listen to CBC Information Morning Cape Breton's interview with Alison Grapes. 

Listen to the Larry Fedoruk podcast as he speaks with Carol Loeb.

Watch their VIDEO below.

As art teachers, Alison and Carol also plan to give back to art programs that help develop young people's passion for the visual arts by donating of a portion of their sales from the opening exhibition held during Canada Day celebrations in July 2017.

Read more about the artists HERE

Visit the OFFICIAL WEBSITE to learn more about the Trans-Canada 150 x Two project. 

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Saskatoon artist Alison Grapes and her BFF, Carol Loeb, embark on the ultimate art-based buddy trip across Canada, painting what they find along the way.
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