The Trans-Canada 150x2 Crew is in Saskatchewan July 9th & 10th

Carol Loeb (Montreal) & Alison Grapes (Saskatoon)

In honour of Canada's 150th anniversary of Confederation, two artists are following the road that ties the country together. The dynamic duo will stop every 150km and document what they find there. Each will find inspiration to create a painting. The net result will be a series of 104 paintings that span the Trans-Canada from Victoria, BC to St. John's, NL. 

On July 9th and 10th, they will be travelling through Saskatchewan. You can check out their stops on the maps below.

Check out their DAILY BLOG

Recently, their works to date were featured in an opening exhibition at the Arta Gallery in Toronto, ON. Future exhibitions are in the works and will be announced when confirmed.

The pair is also inviting other artists to participate in the project.

For more information, please visit the official Trans-Canada 150x2 WEBSITE.

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Alison Grapes teaches in the Saskatoon school board.
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